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Gain further insight about the Co.Starters Bootcamp and what it has to offer you!

Ready. Set. Launch.

​Entrepreneurship is an exciting journey, but the path forward isn’t always clear.

During this four-part bootcamp, you’ll collaboratively work with peers to strategizeproblem solve, and apply business basics to your idea or venture.

​Our goal is to challenge you, stretch your thinking, and give you concrete tools to bring your business to life. This bootca​mp is not about listening; it's about doing.

A four-part plan for launching your big idea.

Part 1: discover

Understand your business model and how to refine it. We’ll cover:

  • Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Building your business model using The CO.STARTERS Canvas
  • Refining your model with customer discovery
  • Refining your model through starting small

Part 2: Promote

Learn how to market your business. We’ll cover:

  • Building relationships through marketing
  • Crafting your message
  • Choosing your marketing channels
  • Developing your “pitch”

Part 3: Build

Dive into the basic building blocks needed for your financial modeling. We’ll cover:

  • Distributing your product or service
  • Knowing your value (before you set your price)
  • Understanding your costs
  • Calculating a break-even point

Part 4: launch

Build momentum by goal setting. We’ll cover:

  • Setting priorities
  • Identifying 30, 60, and 90-day milestones
  • Getting SMART about tasks
  • Creating a plan + staying on track

Meet the June 2024 Bootcamp Class


"CO.Starters has become the compass for my business. My vision seemed to always change and was never clear but after participating in the CO.Starters Bootcamp, I feel I have a direction and a system to evaluate my plans given a dynamic business environment.

I feel very prepared now to execute and have a system to evaluate my own business practices to make sure my goals can be accomplished and if not, how to pivot and get closer to success."

"I came into the CO.STARTERS Bootcamp Experience with practically nothing more than ideas for start-ups while still in college. I now have a set of resources, basic understanding, and network necessary to actually begin taking steps towards creating a business entity from these ideas. All of my classmates and facilitators had vastly different backgrounds and experience levels, but each of us took something away from this program."

"The connections we made alone were worth the cost of admission. The expose to other entrepreneurs and the opportunity to think through the challenges that they are facing in their business, and then work as a group to come up with ideas to address those challenges in the most efficient and effective way possible is a very powerful set of learning that this course brings to the table. Worth the price of admission, no doubt.​"

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